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A collection of investment theme published material
Close of Application 12.00 p.m. on 23 June 2008
Balloting of applications 24 June 2008
Commence trading 9.00 a.m. on 25 June 2008
Sponsor, underwriter and placement agent CIMB-GK Securities
New shares 22.5 million
Public Offer 1.5 million (6.67% of overall offer)
Offer Price 28 cents
MENCAST Holdings, a local manufacturer and supplier of sterngear equipment and provider of sterngear services has launched an initial public offering for a listing on the Singapore Exchange's Catalist board.
The company leverage on its strategic location in Singapore to reach out to shipyards around Southeast Asia to provide sterngear equipment and services to the offshore oil, and gas and marine industry. For those have a hard time imagine what is sterngear, you may visit the Company website for more photographs.
Upon the completion of the IPO, the major shareholders still hold 125,000,000 Shares, representing approximately 84.7%. They have each undertaken not to sell for the first 6 months and not to reduce below 50% of the current holding in the next 6 months. In another word, the share in the public hand for trading is very much limited. This is very positive because the founder and the major shareholders still hold large stake in the company after the IPO and unlikely to abandon the company.
At 28 cents a share, the offer is priced at a historical price-earnings ratio of about 7.3. This is based on its earnings per share of 3.85 cents on pre-invitation capital for the financial year ended 31 December 2007. Post IPO, the calculated PE ratio is about 8.6 with earning per share of 3.27 cents. This is about comparable with other offshore supporting industrial and deemed reasonable. The prospect of this sector is still buoyant in 2008 and coming years, therefore offer room for price to soar.
Pre-IPO investors have entered earlier with the price of 19 cents. In comparison with the offer price of 28 cent, the immediate gain of 9 cents or 47% cannot be considered bonanza. They too have taken the same undertaking to restraint the sale.
I am very happy to have a home grown IPO entrant which associated themselves with hot offshore oil, and gas and marine industry. Instead of investing directly into offshore plays which has high PE ratio and larger exposure to risk of sudden pull back of crude oil price, this counter offer a good alternative.
The growth of revenue, profit and profit margin is more then excellent. If they manage to maintain the same pace of growth, the PE ratio in 2008 is estimated to be below 5.
I am bullish on this IPO entrant in view of the following factor,
1. Limited share free float - Easier to be speculate
2. Reasonable price-earnings ratio
3. High profit margin
4. High CAGR
5. Hot sector – offshore oil, and gas and marine industry
6. Rare Made in Singapore brand (instead of Made in China)
I believe this IPO will attract much higher subscription rate then the last few entrants. I will risk my $2 for application via ATM before the closing date.
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New!The public application is over and the company is scheduled to list on 11 June 2008 2:00pm.
The public subcription portion left with 13.3% not subscribed by the Public!
The good news is all those applied for IPO get FULL allocation as they wished (if you think this is a good news). To be exact, there is 1,344 applicants for public subscription portion. The bad news is 1,754,000 common share or 13.3% found no subscriber and have to be allocated to the Placement Tranche.
Offering price is $1.00. It will be interesting to see how the price move in current market turmoil.
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Indicative time/date Event
12.00 noon on 10 June 2008 Close of Application List
11 June 2008 Balloting of applications
9.00 a.m. on 12 June 2008 Commence trading on a “ready” basis
Offer Price at $0.39 each
Not much energy to talk about IPO now because of last night DJ doing a stunt show. Not that my hsi put is not enough to please me (allow me to show off a bit, sorry :-)), but, who want to invest in IPO in coming week?
The public offer share is only consist of 4.1% of overall invitation share. To my knowledge, currently there is no pure China construction stock listed in SGX. Therefore, no direct comparison is possible.
As usual, all Sino figures look fantastic: Good revenue growth, good profit growth and strong cash flow. But that is what happened in the past.
NTA is 17.99 cents compare to IPO price of 39 cents. For construction stock, NTA normally do not carry too much weight. Who want to buy a second hand concrete mixer truck and tower crane? Anyway, we can take it as a consolation.
Sino has price earning ratio, PE of 5.89 times which is lower then CIMB compiled Singapore construction stock average of 7.8 times (Lowest Hor Kew: 5 times, Highest Tat Hong: 10.4 times).
What I want from a China IPO is potential explosive growth in hot sector. Construction….. may be last year, but not in today’s term or near future. Please do not expect Sino going to involve in Sichuan reconstruction contract too, simply because Daqing and Siquan are too far apart.
The market sentiment is going to worsen in coming week. The market volume is decreasing daily. I will definitely not going to apply for balloting.
The valuation at 39cent is fairly valued, but I expect you can get it from the post-ipo open market with a good discount.
If you really want to have a piece of action from China Construction stock IPO, I would advise to apply it on the last day last minute to gauge the market sentiment. Good luck!
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In layman perspective
- very bold ambition to push through the business trust in this timing
- two previous listing have been withdrawn: Altitude Aircraft Leasing Trust and Arcapital Utility Trust.
- Give exposure to India’s Mumbai property market
- Various forecast given for DPU based on different assumption.
- In worst forecast, DPU for 2009 can be lower then 3%, but if all engines fired, 5.1%
- For 2010 (if you really keep that long), they forecast growth of DPU slightly above 90%. Impressive!
Can this trust give more value then others business trusts in SGX?
My intuitive answer is NO.
OCBC preferential share give 5.1% yield with capital guarantee. Well, I know technically it is not, but, you think OCBC can go belly up?
Step 1, look at the yield from real estate sector – REIT. The average yield is 6.82% now (according data from http://reitdata.blogspot.com/ ). The Bull face pale.
REIT Period DPU ct Price Yield
LMIR Q1 : Mar-08 2.20* S$0.55 10.982%
First REIT Q1 : Mar-08 1.85 S$0.735 10.204%
MI-REIT Q4 : Mar-08 2.22 S$0.96 9.302%
Cambridge Q1 : Mar-08 1.588 S$0.72 8.871%
AllCo Q1 : Mar-08 1.6 S$0.855 7.509%
MapleTree Q1 : Mar-08 1.9 S$0.98 7.755%
AscottREIT Q1 : Mar-08 2.33 S$1.19 7.832%
Saizen FY08 - IPO 5.3 S$0.75 7.067%
Fortune Q1 : Mar-08 8.79 HK$4.91 7.161%
Suntec Q2: Mar-08 2.5185 S$1.64 6.176%
A-REIT Q4 : Mar-08 3.69 S$2.49 5.928%
MMP Q1 : Mar-08 1.76 S$1.17 6.051%
CDL HTrust Q1 : Mar-08 2.86 S$1.96 5.867%
FrasersCT Q2 : Mar-08 1.75 S$1.35 5.185%
PLife Q3 : Mar-08 1.62 S$1.21 5.364%
K-REIT FY08 - Rights 7.53 S$1.45 5.193%
CCT Q1 : Mar-08 2.59 S$2.27 4.590%
CapitaRChina Q1 : Mar-08 1.02* S$1.54 4.325%
CMT Q1 : Mar-08 3.48 S$3.32 4.217%
Step 2, compare with shipping trust. Wow, average yield of shipping trusts is 10.59%. The Bull face pale again.
Shipping Trusts
Trust Period DPU ct Price Yield
FSL Trust Q1 : Mar-08 2.59 S$1.17 12.070%
Rickmers Q1 : Mar-08 2.14 S$1.13 10.326%
PacShipTr US$ Q1 : Mar-08 0.97 $0.41 9.463%
Step 3, compare with business trust. Emm, no one covering Babcock & Brown Global?
Well, the dividend guidance of 5.20 Singapore cents per share for the first half of 2008 worked out to be 16% annualized yield (assume 5.2 cent x 2 / 64 cent current market price). The Bull, once again, pale.
Think it is not too hard for me to a make decision.
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